Medibank has confirmed that more stolen customer data has been released on the dark web, last Thursday amid reports the hackers have released all files remaining in their possession.
In a statement, Medibank is aware that stolen Medibank customer data has been released on the dark web last Thursday.
Medibank CEO David Koczkar said while there are media reports of this being a signal of ‘case closed’, our work is not over.
On today’s episode, we interview Associate Professor Jeffrey Foster of Cyber Securities Studies at Macquarie University to discuss how the current and former members of Medibank can protect themself from scammers.
Dr. Foster holds a PhD in cognitive sciences, from the Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand. His work focuses on the behavioural components of cyber security - with emphasis on decision-making and errors in judgements and decision-making in a cyber security context. He also works within the broader behavioural cyber security domain including usable - human-focused - security and organisational security culture.
Dr. Foster is the course director for Macquarie University's M. of Cyber Security Analysis in the Department of Security Studies and Criminology.
Medibank case closed, Now What?