MENCARI - Delivered fearless reporting to you
Santos Unfiltered
Help return fish and become an ocean hero

Help return fish and become an ocean hero

OneFishTwoFish is a new initiative that aims to release two fish back into the ocean for every fish or seafood equivalent that is prepared, sold, or consumed in Australia. Each year, Australians consume more than 356,000 tonnes of seafood, and now there is a straightforward way for seafood lovers to give back to the ocean.

In this episode, we had a conversation with marine biologist, ocean conservationist, and founder of OneFishTwoFish, Dr. Chris Gillies, about the world's first programme to provide finance for ocean conservation programmes that measurably improve fish and marine life. The programme was developed by Seafood Positive, an early-stage social enterprise with a mission of no nett loss of marine life.

He stated that he initiated the programme in order to address the difficulties associated with the sustainability of seafood.

"OneFishTwoFish helps seafood restaurants, businesses, retailers, and consumers balance their seafood consumption by replacing each fish they serve, sell, or eat with two more in the ocean," Dr. Gillies said. "OneFishTwoFish replaces each fish that is served, sold, or eaten with two more in the ocean."

He says that this is a good way to link eating seafood to the health of the ocean and solves an ethical problem for people who eat sustainable seafood and care about the environment.

"The funds will help provide finance for third-party ocean conservation programmes including seagrass and reef restoration, and fish restocking programmes to measurably improve fish and marine life across Australia," He added. "The funds will help provide finance for third-party ocean conservation programmes including seagrass and reef restoration."

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MENCARI - Delivered fearless reporting to you
Santos Unfiltered
This podcast features enlightening discussions with professionals to explain pressing issues and provide pertinent facts about unbiased journalism and countering misinformation and an in-depth conversation with experts. (English and Tagalog)